Thursday, August 30, 2012


This might be my biggest breakthrough to date!!  It has changed my mood entirely and I'm SO exited to share it with a friend who is going though the same thing...

It is *drum roll please*


I originally got the idea from Dr. Oz.  I didn't have any carob though (and no desire to get some), and for the most part I only use sugar, no Stevia or fakes...  I tinkered around with the recipe and what I've come up with is amazing!  There are only a few draw-backs:  The melting point is super low, so they have to be hardened in tins and stored in the fridge or freezer, and for some reason I CAN NOT eat one without getting it on my shirt!!  I think that has more to do with me though!  I'm sure the calorie count is much higher than Oz's, but as I've said before, I need MORE calories and they are SO worth it anyway!  So, here it is!

2/3 c Coconut Oil
3 Tbs Liquid Sugar In The Raw
1/2 c Cocoa Powder
2 tsp Vanilla

Heat the coconut oil (in microwave or over low heat) until it's just liquified.  Mix in liquid sugar and cocoa and vanilla.  Place paper liners in mini muffin tin (or tartlet pan).  Fill each cup with about 1 1/2 Tbs of mixture.  Refrigerate until set.  Remove from tin and eat, store the rest in an air-tight container in the fridge or freezer.  Makes about 16.

If you can't find liquid raw sugar you CAN use regular white sugar, however, the sugar won't dissolve so they will be rather grainy and a little crunchy...  You should re-stir between tins.  They are not as enjoyable this way, but are still a Godsend and totally worth the (very little) effort.  I'm sure agave could be used, but as I never use substitutes (I only had the liquid stuff for iced tea), I don't have any to try it...

Like I said, this has totally changed my mood!  I have a serious chocolate addiction I'm not interested in getting over and not getting my daily Kisses was killing me!  Sam seems to be pretty sensitive to chocolate too, so when I would sneak just one tiny little bite he'd still notice!  I hope this changes your life as much as it has mine!!


  1. Is it weird that I still want to try this even though I have no problem with milk? To be honest, I mostly want to try this cause you've always got good recipes! <3

    1. It's pretty yummy! I'm going to add Rice Krispies to the next batch..!
