Friday, September 21, 2012

New Hope

I've been missing my cereal MADLY!!  And since most cold cereal is iron-fortified I've also been missing a good opportunity to plus-up my in-take easily...  I've tried almond milk, I've tried rice milk, I refuse to consume soy milk (too much estrogen).  Everything has been a pathetic let down!  When I saw the nutritionist last week I told her all of this and she mentioned Almond/Coconut milk.  I didn't plan on trying it, but I saw it while I was grabbing milk for my toddler on Tuesday so I thought I'd just grab some...  We'll see.

Had some last night (with Quaker Oatmeal Squares) and it was sublime!!  Maybe it's just been a really long time since I've had milk, but this was totally satisfying!  There IS a coconut flavor, but it's not strong and is actually pleasant.  This is going to go a long way in making me a happier mommy!

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