Sunday, September 16, 2012

Trouble in Paradise

After having a sore in my nose for over two months I started getting cracks at the corners of my mouth. They got really bad really fast, making it painful to eat and hard to brush my teeth (don't even mention kissing!).  I assumed it was a deficiency and made an appointment for as soon as we got home (did I mention that we were on vacation?!).  My doctor didn't even draw blood, she said I was anemic and probably B deficient.  She told me to start iron and a B complex and sent me to a nutritionist, giving me a list of iron-rich food (most of which I cannot eat, of course).

The nutritionist was mostly impressed by my diet and had less ideas than I was expecting although a huge breakthrough was that my chosen multi (from Costco) is known in the nutritionist world as the worst and least absorbed (One A Day)!!  So she's given me a new multi and a terrific B complex as well as a probiotic that will also be good for Sammy Poo!

On top of that, a dear friend helped me with a green smoothie...  Dark leafy greens aren't that big of a deal in Southern Nevada where I grew up and to be honest, I mostly see salads as a waste of time.  The one time I actually purchase kale it was used with eggs and LOTS of cheese, so I was at a total loss when looking at my non-dairy iron list.  The smoothie is good, much more palatable than I was expecting (said friend is from Colorado and generally WAY more nutrient rich that I care to be!).  I WILL be tweaking the recipe a bit to up the iron a little and use items I always buy instead of adding to my shopping list.  I should have something good to share tomorrow or Tuesday!

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