I didn't remember anything about them until I was scouring the grocery store shelves at Lake Tahoe for something to curb my raging desire for chocolate! Since I had already learned that milk-free snacks were kept separate in stores (kind of like kids banished to the middle of the school bus: not cool enough to sit in back, too annoying to sit up by the driver), I was looking in the raw/whole/organic food section. Chocolate Chip Brownie caught my eye... So I read the ingredients: Dates (interesting), Dairy-Free Chocolate Chips (yes please!!), Almonds, Walnuts (well, I guess if you have to have nuts..), Cocoa Powder. Hm. WAIT!! These are those bars Hayley told me about!!
I bought three, two days later I went back and bought five more. They ARE NOT brownies. But they are terribly satisfying, hunger-wise and for a good dose of yummy. At 240 calories they are a good sized snack for one making milk all day. They come in LOTS of flavors. And they're not all that expensive. I have three boxes in my pantry right now, and I'll probably keep eating them even when I can go back to ingesting whatever my little heart desires!
* Sorry Hayley!
HA! I just read this, and that's funny! I love you, and I'm glad you have SOMETHING that satisfy! <3